Team Building


The Samurai Game®

The Samurai Game® provides you the opportunity to face your greatest enemy – yourself and as such provides unique and powerful learning opportunities.

“​​Even after 20 years, the Samurai Game remains the most profound and impactful training event I have ever attended. The game showed me how powerful and vibrant I can be and continues to teach me about myself even now.” — Game Participant

Mt Everest Prayer flags

Everest Accent Experience

The Everest Accent event is an experiential team learning exercise conducted outdoors. It enables client teams to simulate the euphoria and dilemmas experienced by high altitude mountaineering teams.

In addition to other elements that make up high performing teams, the event reveals to the participants the trade-offs between choosing to maintain trust and well-being among its members or achieving a goal at any cost.

Wood Bridge

Other Program Modules

We have over 25+ years of practice and deep specialization in designing and running team building experiences for groups and teams. We have an extensive inventory of modules and experiences that can be curated to create a powerfully tailored experience for your organization. Contact us for details.