

  •What if your future depended on a single moment?


  • What if you only had one chance to make a decision or take bold action?


  • What results would you produce?


  • To What degree are you willing to act decisively & with integrity to get the results you want?


  • How well do you function in the face of uncertainty and the unfair?


The Samurai Game® requires each participant to fully engage with others and become keenly aware of the interplay of thought, feeling, action and outcome. From this gained perspective, individuals and teams become more aware of existing habits and the potential for positive constructive change and action.

What You Will Learn

Travel Back In Time

The Samurai Game® will transport you back to a time and culture that rigorously practiced what it is to be present and make decisions in each critical moment.


The Samurai were some of the greatest warriors that ever walked the earth. They became great warriors by honing all aspects of the self and by embodying the code of the Samurai.

History and Background

The Samurai Game® was developed over 30 years ago by George Leonard, author of Mastery, The Silent Pulse, Education and Ecstasy, The Ultimate Athlete, and over eighty other books. It remains one of the most powerful one-day personal development experiences available. Scott Coady is the founder of the Institute for Embodied Wisdom and is one of the few certified by George Leonard to lead The Samurai Game®

Like the Samurai. during the game you will learn and live by the code of Bushido and live your life guided by the principles of honor, dignity and integrity, and you will:



 • Gain insights on habitual patterns which interfere with success and fulfillment


 • Learn what distracts you and where you "excuse" yourself from fully living


 • Notice how you make choices and how you hold accountability


 • Become keenly aware of the vividness and value of life


 • Discover personal strengths (often hidden) and reveal old habits (often denied)

To learn more about our next Samurai Game®, please Click Here

The Samurai Game

Prepare To Face Your Greatest Enemy — Yourself!

The Institute





© 2012 Institute for Embodied Wisdom.